Went to the family reunion over the weekend. It wasn’t all that bad, it was nice to see cousins, aunts and uncles I only see once a year. I know in a previous blog I wrote some blurbs about my family and the issues we have and going to a family reunion probably makes no sense right? Well, I had a talk with my mama last week and we hashed out a few things. She doesn’t understand my faith and values, so she questions it. Sometimes when people don’t understand something, they can become very defensive. Which is what happened in my family, I in no way am excusing their outrageous behavior, but I can understand. The words they spoke may ring back through my mind from time to time, but I’ve forgiven them for their lack of understanding.
So…back to the reunion. My back, arms and legs are completely sore. I being Ms. Macho women, attempted to pick up the stand for the volley ball net which consisted of a huge tire and the bottle of a steel pole. It probably weighed about 600 lbs… well, not really maybe closer to about 100 lbs. I’m not a small gal, so I figure I could help lift it…didn’t really affect me at the time. We played about 4 games of v-ball, I chased the ball about 15 times, hit the ball maybe about 10 times and held my arms up in the air for a total of 30 minutes through out the games. The body is never too sore the day of, but the next morning it hurt to even roll out of bed. Walking down the stairs felt as if I had completed a thousand leg squats. What the heck was I thinking? What the heck? Geez. My woes aren’t as bad as my husband, he threw his back out over the weekend and can barely walk. Men don’t ever seem to want to take it easy when they are injured, they just tough it up and become super macho. Wait a minute…I take some of that back because when guys are sick, they love, love, love the extra attention. “ poor baby…can I get my snoopie woopie anyting to eatie weatie?” You see….see how that is. Men are tough though. Some of the injuries my husband has encountered, I think I it would have been me I would have just keeled over and died. He has stabbed his finger to the bone, gouged his limbs all over, walked into walls in the middle of the night, shot himself point blank with a pellet gun OUCH! He is a strong puppy for sure.
End of Blog Quote: " If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything." Win Borden
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