Writing Blurbs

blurb (n.) A brief publicity notice, as on a book jacket. This is the definition according to Webster's dictionary. All though I use it somewhat out of context, ("Hey you have a little blurb of something on your shirt." "There was a blurb about that on the radio." )it seems to be a fairly popular word, and I like saying it. So here you have it...My Writing Blurbs..

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Listen UP

I've been itching to write for some time now even though it's only been a few weeks since my last post. So much is going on in the news, mainly election coverage. We're starting to see the swords come out and the battle begin. Liberals main defense line is "this canidate is on Bush's side". Like this is a bad thing? Let's take a look at their agenda (the democrats that is). What do they have going for them.... 1-Get out of the war on terror (cut and run) 2-Impeach the President 3 - Riducle the President for every single decision he makes - Does that sum it up? Maybe I've missed something. I'll have to tune in to Rush Limbaugh to get the 'down low' of all that is happening. As it's said he is the truth detector and he gives us the news as it really is. If only everyone would listen to him, just for a day maybe it would get them to think about things a little differently. I as most conservatives get a cold chill when I think there is a possiblity that the Dems could win the house and the senate. The word needs to get out on what that would mean for us as a nation. Pay attention people! If you really listen, you'll realize what the Dems. goals are. It should scare you into standing up and doing something. Don't let the media cloud your eyes. Remember when your parents use to say, "don't believe everything you hear". This rings very true today. But so many take this news coverage by the main stream media as absolute truth, even though is bias. Now is the time to listen, really listen to what is going on in the world.

This was written while at work in about 10 minutes...Maybe it's just babble, but I had to get something out.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Change

For those of you who've checked out this blog before, don't worry you're at the right place. I just made a few adjustments to brighten things up. Hope you enjoy!

Motorcycle Mama

Well, I am officially a motorcylcle rider. My husband and I have been talking about getting me a motorcycle for awhile, but my fears and hesitation got the best of me. When he found a 1972 Honda 350 for $250, it was a deal he couldn't pass up. With a little cleaning and minor maintenance, it was road ready. The color is candy apple green, which I became quite attached to.

The first ride was in a store parking lot. To my suprise, I didn't tip it over. All though I came close to running into the building a few times, I stayed steady on the bike which was pretty amazing for me knowing that a few summers ago I tipped over on my bicycle (more than once) at a stand still! It took me awhile to understand the concept of the whole shifting part of it. On my ride I think I went from first gear to third, and I think I tried to shift without holding the clutch in...but I'm not really sure. I only killed it a few times, but never fell off. That was a true accomplishment.

The second trip was a spin around the block. My husband followed me on his bicycle. Really, I wasn't going to go faster than 20 mph. When I lost sight of him, I remembered to pull the clutch in and break. My hands were shaking, and I began to lose my nerve. There were people walking their dogs or sitting on their front lawn gawking at a female cyclist. If I could only get past them with out tipping over or knocking them down. We made it home. The feeling of being the person guiding this bike down the road was a thrill. After a few days, I was anxious to get back on her. I was able to get her up to almost 30 mph, and to me it felt much faster. I conquered my fears and that feels so good.

To see the gleam in my husbands eye, did it for me. Needless to say he was pretty proud of his motorcycle mama.

End of Blog Quote: "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt