What Happens Now
Over the last several weeks I've been excited about these mid-term elections. Last night I was appalled and dumfounded that our nation has turned their heads and allowed Nancy Pelosi become the next House Majority Leader. Do you even know WHO she is? do you know WHAT she represents? No, you probably dont. She is against the Patriot Act, against spending for our troops, for gay marriage, for partial birth abortion. She is a left wing liberal that is against God and Country. This is who you voted in. Granted, I know some of us went out and voted to keep Republicans in control.....we lost, and we lost big.
The main reason people went out and voted the way the did last night was because they wanted to go against President Bush. "We need a change.." "He is dumb" "Why are we at war?" Well guess what, if you think life was so bad with Bush (having tax cuts, unemployment at an all time low, record numbers in the stock market, supporting the troops, capturing terrorists, winning the war on terror) then you are in for a huge awakening.
The Dems will reverse everything that has been done that was and is good for our nation. Don't be suprised if they let the terrorists go, if they leave the Iraqi people on their own, if they raise your taxes, if they cut spending for our troops, if they disable our Homeland Security, pass partial birth abortion, take away the Pledge of Allegiance, take God out of our schools and workplace (already being done) and if they legalize gay marriage. One more thing for all of you gun owners, you wont' be gun owners for long. They don't want any citizen to have them.
The country made the terrorists very happy last night. Get ready ladies and gentleman, for those of us Conservative Christians (the few and far between) the battle is on. Everything that our country use to stand for God and Country is being lost. All though we still have some great Republican Conservatives in the House and Senate, the Dems will not work with us, only against us.
I still feel a glimpse of hope, and that maybe just maybe Christians will continue to band together and fight against those that oppose our faith and God. Some of us still have morals and values, lets hope we can keep them.
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