Kids Having Kids
I'm outraged by the new trend of young kids having babies. Unwed 'couples' don't seem to value the relationship between a man and a woman. We can't teach abstinence in school because it's to harsh and "we can't prevent them from doing it". I beg to differ. It starts at home with the parents. It seems that there are more friendships in families than parenting. Is it so hard to say "NO" to our kids? Oh but that would damage them and make them emotionally unstable.
Since I've lived through being a teenage mom, I think I have a right to say something about it. I will be the first to admit that I was not given the proper guidance or education through my parents that having sex before marriage is wrong. All though I had a 'relationship' with my then boyfriend for almost 4 years, I was careless and stupid. It was devistating to find out I was pregnant. To see the dissapointment and sorrow in my mother's eyes tore me apart. I had to learn very quickly to become an adult. Unlike many other young mothers today, it's now a celebration when they find out their pregnant. Their lives don't change, except for the additional weight gain. They go on living their lives as normal. And when the baby is born, does their social life end now that they have a new responsiblity? Of course not! They have their parents or free daycare paid by the government to raise their kids.
These teenagers don't have the emotional strength to be a parent. They are too selfish and focused on themselves to teach and raise a child. (In their defense, they should be discovering who they are and what type of person they want to be). Teenagers don't have enough life experience or education to be a role moldle, especially to a child. Even adults struggle as first time parents. It takes time, energy and patience with a child.
It pains me to see young kids with babies, sometimes with 3 or 4 babies. Having a child so young rips you from being able to take that time for yourself, to grow up and become responsible. But I guess now it doesn't matter because these young moms have their moms raising their kids, so they can still induldge in their lifestyles. Granted, I know there are young moms who take care of their kids on their own without any assistance, however is the child being raised by a mom and a dad? We wonder why we have kids running around out of control, back talking, disrespecting not only their parents but every adult. Who is raising these kids, obviously not by people who truly wanted to be parents.